Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lavender Blue Lilacs

This spring, I finally had all my lilacs bloom. It's taken years for the three in the front to come to life. I had this lavender-blue, a white, and a pink. The pink hardly ever press well, but the lavender-blue and the white did. It's too bad that I didn't get too many of them before the rains came because they were shredded by it, and the wind. Oh, well....such is life, I guess.
Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I couldn't get any images to upload. I don't know if it was a Google glitch, or if my pictures were too large.
Not much going on with me. I've been really been tired, for some reason. I have hardly been able to do a thing. I took naps during the day, which is really unlike me.
I hope everyone has had a good day!
Love to all.....

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi Lee
Your lilac is beautiful. I've never done such a thing. Please say you didn't press every tiny flower seperately...I couldn't cope with that. (smile)
Hope you get over your tiredness soon.