Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fish School

Wednesday afternoon:
Here is a card topper I finished yesterday. I think it's rather unimaginative, but what the heck, right? Anyway, it was just an urge I had, and they come few and far between.
Yesterday, I went out and picked and pressed the small amount of flowers that survived the deluge of water. Pressing is really tedious, however, I'd rather not have to buy flowers. I just don't have the money for that, anymore.
I've, also, been working on three giraffes that I made from fungus (bought on KC's site). I haven't figured out any backgrounds, yet, although I've looked at enough pictures.
I went to S's blog site and saw two really gorgeous cards she made. Wow, she is so talented! I'd like to be her when I grow up. She has such imagination and creativity.
Tomorrow, we have our first garbage pick-up in about three weeks. It will be such a relief. Bob and I are "paper" people, and thus, accumulate a lot of that type of crap. Needless to say, things have really been piling up.
We're finally having a dry-out period. It's been three of the first days this week. It's been lovely, with the sun shining and everything. The rivers and streams are still out of their banks, and it will be awhile before everything is back in order. I so pity and pray for the people that lost everything. While their immediate needs are being taken care and water....there will be no money to repair or replace everything they lost, despite being declared FEMA disaster areas. If I ever hit the lottery, I would help those people out.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Love to all....


Sylvie said...

Hi Lee
Sorry for not being around this last week, it's been a bit hectic here..actually it still is.. we leave for Scotland early hours of Monday morning.. and the wedding is next Saturday.
I love your fishes.. and I can't wait to see your giraffes.
Thankyou for your comments on my first screen cards, I really enjoyed making them.
I can only imagine how awful it must be having 3 weeks of garbage piled high.. I am thinking of you both and all your fellow Iowans (if that's a word)..
Big Hugs to you
Sylvie XX

Carolyn said...

Hi Lee
I've never made a fish picture so I admire your ambition. Good gor you!

I'm not having much look pressing flowers either. I don't have my warm boiler cupboard anymore and temps here have been poor. I have an air press on the windowsill to catch any warm sunshine but after a week, the flowers are still damp. Ugh!

Oh I hope Iowa recovers soon from all the floods though I don't think anyone can recover fully from such a disaster. I feel so sorry for you all.