Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Floods of 2008

Bob turned on the washing machine to do some laundry, and the water was black. Obviously, the water system is bad. They haven't put any announcement on the news, yet, but we won't be using tap water for awhile.

It's been raining all day, and the forecast looks like more heavy rain for the days to come. The whole of Waterloo zone...City Hall, and many more blocks...has been evacuated. The loss of our storage shed is so small compared to what the rest of Waterloo/Cedar Falls is going through. Please keep the people who have lost homes in your thoughts and prayers.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Love to all....


Carolyn said...

Lee, this must be terrible for you and so worrying. How do you feel about lighting a candle and saying a prayer at the same time and in unity? How about 2pm your time, Thursday?

Lee Hough said...

Hi, Carolyn! That would be a wonderful thing to do. I will be lighting a candle at 2 pm today.

Love you so much!