Friday, June 20, 2008

Hydrangea and Astrantia Wreath Card Topper

I finished this yesterday. I hope it isn't too thick to be laminated, as I do the rest. I completed a full 5.5 x 8.5 card, as well, and will probably show it tomorrow.
Haven't heard a lot from C or S. I know C is visiting her son. Wonder how S is doing?
Today is the first day of summer....or, at least, at 6:59 pm. It's going to be pretty hot at almost 90, and with uncomfortable humidity. The rest of the weekend is going to be cooler, and just in the 80's.
Bob has today off because the shop he works at is closed for the day. His bosses decided to go to the races...where ever that might be. Still and all, it's good to have him home.
Not too much else is new, as usual.
Hope everyone has a good Friday, and a wonderful weekend.
Love to all...


Sylvie said...

Hi Lee
I just love your wreath.. Keith and Kaylie both really admired it too.
Your weather jumps all over the place..I just hope that the sun dries the ground out and that the crops have a chance to grow, even it will be a shorter season.
Have a great day together.
Love to you both

Carolyn said...

Hi Lee
How fortunate to be able to close up shop to go to the races! At least you have Rob home for an extra day.

What a lovely wreath. Me thinks you are on a roll!
