Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just Another Day

Thursday Afternoon....
I don't know what these flowers are, but I have to thank Sue Morris for sending them to me. She lives in MN, and is the nicest person. Anyway, I did this arrangement a few days ago, but forgot what I had named it. I know now I called it "Wildflowers." They sort of look like a form of Salvia, I think.
Yesterday, I worked on two cards. One, I finished and will show tomorrow, probably; the other one is still in a working stage.
I guess I'm sort of starting from scratch in making these little card toppers. I had that long dry spell, so I'm just doing designs that come easiest to me. I still haven't figured out what to do with the giraffes I worked so long and hard on. I hope something comes to me...and, sometimes, it never does.
There's a chance of showers for the next three days. The percentages are low, but every time they forecast that, we have storms with a vengeance. This will put a further burden on those south of us who are being flooded. My heart goes out to them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Love to all....


Sylvie said...

Hi Lee.. I agree, what lovely flowers.. I love the colours. they look very delicate.
I hope the storms miss you..what an awful summer!!
Big Hugs to you
Sylvie XX

Carolyn said...

Hi Lee, I thought it might be catmint but I'm not sure about the leaves. I'm probably way off course.

They are certainly pretty and make a lovely topper.

Oh no, not more rain. You must dread the weather forcast.
