Friday, May 9, 2008

This is an 8 x 8 picture that I just made tonight. Usually, things take forever for me. I was so relieved that I was able to do it. It is for Cellestine, and due June 1st. I kept it pretty simple, but I did it. Now, all I have is my big picture project to finish this month. It's going very slowly. and is pretty complicated. Maybe, it's just me and my lack of imagination.

It was a pretty cool day today. I don't know if it rained, but the skies were really cloudy. I guess tomorrow is going to be even cold. This has been a winter of record snow, record rain and record cold.

I watched a movie called "Georgia Rules," yesterday. I had no idea what it was about, but it starred Jane Fonda, Lindsey Lohan, and one of the actresses from Desperate Housewives. I thought it was cheesy and tacky, personally, but it made bad memories arise in me because it was about a girl (Lindsey Lohan), who had been molested by her stepfather at the age of 12. I could really identify since that is what happened to me.

Other than that....not much is new. I took my pills, so that's the last of me tonight.

Love to all.....

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Such a pretty picture Lee. I'm sure Celestine will be delighted. Wild Columbine! I can go wild about it...lovely!
So sorry to hear the film triggered off bad memories for you. Unexpected things like that leave little room for escape.
