Monday, May 26, 2008

Flamingos at Sunset

I finally got the project finished for the May 2008 class. It was hard....very tedious, and detail oriented. I didn't do that great a job, but at least it's done.
We had a lot of tornados pretty close to us. It destroyed a few communities. There were about 8 deaths. It was yesterday, and pretty scary. There were constant sirens going off.
Today has been beautiful. It's pretty warm, though. We have to appreciate it while we have it, though, because tomorrow is going to be down to 60, with possible frost at night. My poor plants don't know what's going on.
Hope is everyone is having a good Memorial Day!
Love to all...

1 comment:

Sylvie said...

Hi Lee.. I love your picture, it's wonderful.
I am so alarmed by the tornadoes you mentioned, I know you are in the zone for them, but you have never mentioned them to be so close before.. those poor families that have lost loved ones..that's just awful. I hope you will stay safe and I pray that there is no more devastation near to you or for anyone else.
Hugs to you both you and Bob.
Sylvie X