Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kudzu and Monardo


Sunday Evening...

First of all, it was lovely to chat with C. this afternoon. It sounds like she has some tough choices to make with retirement. I hope she figures out what to do in the most profitable way.

I made this notecard earlier this evening. I found some Kudzu, which Pat S. had sent me. In the south, it covers everything. It was brought there as an ornamental plant, and just took over. I've seen houses, trees, telephone poles, and whole landscapes of it. It looks like a different planet. Too bad it isn't useful for'd think it would make a good fuel alternative, wouldn't you?

Today has been chilly, with some rain. Bob started the wood stove so it's comfortable in here. It definitely hasn't been shorts weather, that's for sure.

I've been watching the Indiana Jones movies that they have on a channel here. I think I liked the last one the best. I definitely feel squeamish when I see the second (it's set in India)....too many bugs, eating monkey brains and scorpions. A dash too exotic for my!

I had my flowers on a big pile on my desk, and had a landslide! Before I can concentrate on any creating, I'm going to have to sort them all out. I wasn't too organized to begin with, but this is a total mess. I wish I had a way to set things to right and make some sense out of what I have.

Other than that, it's been another boring day. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

Love to all.....

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi Lee, it was good talking to you too.
The flowers on your pic look like a type of honeysuckle, which is a vine that can go wild in this country. I think you have created an oriental look with them...very appealing.
Sorry, I had to laugh about your pile of flowers crashing down. I know its not funny but its just the type of thing that happens to me, so I am laughing at the joy of being 'not alone'.
My you are busy. Creating and watching TV...sounds good. Hope you can get the shorts out before too long.