Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Afternoon/Early Evening

I hope, while I type this, I don't forget the scalloped potatoes and ham casserole in the oven for supper. I set the timer, and if I stay put, I should be OK. Bob was going to grill hamburgers, but we do that so often, I thought it would be good if we had something hot. Standing up so long almost did me in.

This was a beautiful day...a trifle cool out, though. Earlier this afternoon, Bob helped me hobble outside, and we picked a whole bunch of my lilacs. I have them in different colors: white, a pinkish blue, a light purple, and a blue. Unfortunately, I don't have much success in retaining their color. I had some old, old lilac trees up at the farm...a double, deep purple and white. While I was emptying out some of my presses, I found a couple sheets of the deep purple. I pressed them in 2003 or 2004, and they still have quite a bit of color.

One of my vines...I've had it for years...has a surprising bounty of little flowers on it. They are a deep maroon. It must be some form of Clemitis because they have those kind of leaves. I don't remember where got them, though, or the name for them.

I spent the day working on my class picture. I started all over, and I think I got the hang of blending the sky. The end will tell, however. It is a challenging class, but I know I'm getting my monies worth out of it.

All of the three episodes of 'Indiana Jones' are on the television right now. I've watched them all three or four times. I know they are working it up for the movie that's supposed to be coming out....the one with the Crystal Skulls. A lot of New Ager's believe they have a special power, but I've read that they are just "trinkets" made during the Middle Ages. I sure wouldn't buy one -- unless it opened it's mouth and gave me three! Of course, with my luck, it would be like the Monkey's Paw.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Love to all....

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi Lee
I hope you enjoyed your casserole. Oh, I'm so sorry about your knees. It can't be much fun for you but I'm glad you got your lilacs picked. I bet they have a beautifil perfume. I can smell them from here.